Become a Member!
The Northwest Neighborhood Association is a nonprofit organization that is sustained by member donations and other small streams of revenue such as neighborhood grants. NWONA encourages you to join your fellow neighborhood volunteers and get involved in keeping our neighborhood unique, safe and vibrant. We also welcome you to join our NextDoor site if you live in the neighborhood and want to be in on neighborhood discussions.
Annual dues are on a self-determined sliding scale of $5.00 – $25.00 (pay what feels right to you). Feel free to use the mail strategy below or click on the “Donate” button to pay online.
Or send a check payable to NWONA and on the “for” line at the bottom of your check write “NWONA contribution” to the following address:
Northwest Olympia Neighborhood Association
1704 Bowman Ave NW
Olympia, WA 98502
NWONA is not a 501C non profit, so your payments to us are not tax deductible.