Bylaws of the Northwest Olympia Neighborhood Association
Including Amendments from 2007-2013, 2015
Article 1:
The name of the organization is the Northwest Olympia Neighborhood Association(Association).
Article 2
The Boundaries of the Association are: the West shore of Budd Inlet, the North side of Harrison Avenue, the East side of Division Street, and north to the City limits, excluding both the Lenox Knoll and the Burbank Neighborhood Associations.
New Article:
The purposes for which NWONA is organized are:
A. Communication: To provide, encourage and facilitate an open process whereby all members of the neighborhood may learn about and voice their opinions on the affairs and concerns of the neighborhood. Communication includes, but is not limited to, alerting neighbors to issues of concern to the neighborhood, including: changes to regulations; proposed developments; proposed improvements; new facilities or amenities provided by local governments or others; opportunities for funding neighborhood amenities; and opportunities for public participation. From time to time, as issues arise, neighborhood communication may also take the form of the Board organizing neighborhood forums to expand the opportunities for education and involvement on issues of concern.
B. Neighborhood livability: To enhance the quality of life for the neighborhood and surrounding areas by establishing and maintaining open lines of communication and acting as a liaison between the neighborhood, government agencies–including Council Members and all departments within the City of Olympia, educational institutions, area businesses and business associations, nonprofit organizations, other neighborhoods and neighborhood groups, and other entities of interest and interested in activities within the neighborhood. Livability topics of concern may include, but not be limited to: parks and recreation; environmental protection and enhancements; transportation, including access to transit, pedestrian facilities, bicycling facilities; community safety; community policing; social justice; schools; housing; zoning regulations; proposed development; local businesses; economic enhancements/job creation; health services and social services; honoring cultural diversity; protection from discrimination; and full citizen access to participation in community decision making.
C. Representing Viewpoints: To represent the views and opinions of Membership to the City when major neighborhood issues arise, the Association strives to understand these views and opinions, and to represent these viewpoints externally. If the Board decides to pursue Membership input, it will develop an informal poll to better understand Membership position(s) and represent these positions back to Membership as well as to appropriate City staff and elected officials.
Article 3
All adults, 18 years old or older, who reside within or own property or a business within the Association boundaries and provide their name, address, telephone number, and emailaddress (if applicable) to the Association, are eligible for membership. Membership, as well asdues, are per individual, not per household. There is only one class of membership. Anyperson eligible for membership is considered a full member of the association. Membership due levels are as follows:
● Annual dues range from $5.00 – $25.00 annually or,
● Four (4) hours of in-kind volunteer service
Termination of Membership: Membership shall automatically terminate when one no longer resides or owns property or a business within the designated boundaries, or if a member does not pay annual dues by the December 31 directly following the October annual meeting, or when a member asks to have their membership terminated.
Article 4
An annual meeting of the members shall be held at least once each calendar year. The date and time shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Members elect the Board of Directors at the annual meeting. Special meetings of the members may be called by the President; a majority of Board members; or any 15 members of the association or 15% of the membership, whichever is greater. The members shall be given 30 days prior notice of each annual or 15days of each special meeting through standard methods of communication such as email, web posting, and fliers in the neighborhood. Five percent of members must be present to be considered a quorum at any annual or special meeting. Each dues paying member shall be entitled to one vote and no voting by proxy shall be allowed. Decisions at the annual and special meetings are made by majority vote of the members present.
New Article:
Issue Polling
If an individual or group wishes to investigate the collective viewpoints of the neighborhood on a particular issue, they may present this issue to the Board for review. If the Board agrees, an informal poll of the Membership may be conducted. The results of the poll shall be disseminated by Board officers and presented to both Membership and appropriate City representative(s). The information will be presented to all parties as the numeric result of all of the positions indicated by the poll, as well as a qualitative synthesis of the positions and viewpoint expressed by the Membership.
Article 5
Board of Directors
The business, property, and affairs of the Association shall be managed by the Board of Directors. The Board will elect its own Officers. All Board Directors must be members of the Association. Nominees may be made from the floor at the annual meeting of the members. Also, nominees may be made from a Nominating Committee appointed by the Board. Consent shall be obtained from the member to be nominated. If a Board Director leaves the Board before their term has ended, the Board may select a replacement Board Director to finish out the remainder of the term. It is recommended that the Board notify the membership and solicit interested parties before appointing a replacement Board Director. Removal: A Board Director may be removed from their position by a 67% majority vote of the Board.
Article 6
The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Membership Chair, and a Immediate Past President, each of whom will be annually elected by the Board and serve until their successors are duly elected. The officers shall have such powers and perform such duties as the Board of Directors may prescribe.
President: The president will provide leadership to promote the goals and objectives of the Association and draft agendas for the Board and membership meetings. The President shall be the official representative of the Association, unless otherwise designated by the Board.
Vice President: In the absence of the President, the Vice-President will perform the Presidential duties and help promote the goals and objectives of the Association. The Vice-President shall coordinate the Association’s Committees.
Secretary : The Secretary will keep the minutes of the Board and membership meetings, and when requested by the President, sign and execute with the President all deeds, bonds, contracts, and other obligations or instruments, in the name of the Association.
Treasurer : The Treasurer is responsible for all funds and the investments of the Association. The Treasurer will keep books of account, deposit all funds and other valuables in the name of the Association as designated by the Board, disburse funds as designated by the Board, and provide a financial report to the Board at each Board meeting.
Membership Chair: The Membership Chair is responsible for maintaining a current roster of association members. This position works in collaboration with the treasurer to keep a member list and member records, track new members, track dues and remind members of their dues. S/he will also remind members of the benefits of membership.
Immediate Past President: during the year following a President leaving office, they may assume the role of President Ex Officio upon a vote of the Board. The Past-President may temporarily be asked to perform duties of the President or
Vice-President as requested by the board, and help with the transition of leadership . Vacancies in an office may be filled by the Board at any Board meeting.
Article 7
Actions by Written Consent
Any corporate action required or permitted by the Articles of Incorporation of By-laws, or by the State of Washington, with the exception of election or renewal of officers or Board members, may be taken without a meeting if written or oral consent is obtained in advance from a majority of the Board of Directors. The action and votes will be reported to the next meeting of the Board.
Article 8
The Board of Directors may determine the amount of dues per calendar year that may be asked of each member. Said amount is subject to membership approval at an annual meeting. Reminders of dues collection will be coordinated by the Membership Chair at the fall annual meeting and the payment cycle will follow the calendar year.
Article 9
Administrative and Financial Provisions
These By-laws may be altered, amended, or repealed by a majority vote of the members at any annual or special meeting. No loans shall be made by the Association to any officer, director, or member. Upon dissolution, all the remaining assets of the Association shall be distributed by the Treasurer as directed by the Board of Directors to another nonprofit organization with goals similar to the Association. All officers shall have signatory authority. Two signatures shall be provided for each purchase or disbursement. All expenditures shall be approved by the Board. The Board shall present the annual financial report to the members at each annual meeting.