Northwest Olympia Neighborhood Association (NWONA) is a City of Olympia recognized neighborhood association for the Northwest Olympia Neighborhood.
NWONA is bounded by the West shore of Budd Inlet, the North side of Harrison Avenue, the East side of Division Street. The Northern Boundary is Elliot Ave NW/20th excluding the properties on the South side of Elliot Ave, east to Crestline and follows Crestline to Raft and down Schneider Hill to West Bay Drive. The homes on Harbor View Drive and Swallow Lane are also within NWONA NA. The true northern boundary of NWONA is Schneider Creek from Division Street east to its outfall at West Bay Drive.
We are a non-profit association of your neighbors who are interested in promoting the quality of life for the residents of our community. NWONA’s mission is to enhance the livability of our community through citizen participation at all levels of our community. We strive to communicate, cooperate, and collaborate.
Please join us on nwona.nextdoor.com for the most up-to-date communications and events and/or subscribe to our mailing list to receive occasional newsletters: