Annual Meeting The NWONA annual meeting is generally in October or November on a Thursday from 7:00-8:30pm at Garfield Elementary School. This year because of the pandemic we are skipping an in-person meeting, read the letter below to see what is going on.
NWONA Boundaries
NWONA in conjunction with Burbank-Elliott Neighborhood revised its boundaries in 2021. The new boundary of NWONA is:
NWONA is bounded by the West shore of Budd Inlet, the North side of Harrison Avenue, the East side of Division Street. The Northern Boundary is Elliot Ave NW/20th excluding the properties on the South side of Elliot Ave, east to Crestline and follows Crestline to Raft and down Schneider Hill to West Bay Drive. The homes on Harbor View Drive and Swallow Lane are also within NWONA NA. The true northern boundary of NWONA is Schneider Creek from Division Street east to its outfall at West Bay Drive.
Neighborhood Matching Grant
We received a Neighborhood Matching Grant this year to reorganize the operations of the board and its communications instruments. The money from the grant will be used to purchase MailChimp membership, Web maintenance, paper for our newsletter, one foldable message board and two smaller signs. Our in-kind contribution will be in the upgrade to the website to include e-payment of dues from our webpage. We intend to purchase one foldable and two smaller signs. The foldable will have more flexible signage and be used for events other than the annual meetings.
NWONA is converting our email communications to you to MailChimp. There are benefits in doing this to the Board and to the Membership. It facilitates the maintenance of our email list because members can manage their own preferences for receiving information from us because it has a subscribe/unsubscribe tool. It also provides us templates for board meeting minutes and Newsletters. We can build in unique content to the newsletter in addition to standard boilerplate information about contacts. You will be receiving notice of the change over in advance of the effective date.
We will continue to post on Nextdoor, though we collectively agree that the site has gotten pretty messy and valuable messages tend to get lost among the lost cat notices.
We have switched to WordPress as our web host. Scott, our Webmaster, has created the capability for NWONA members to contribute electronically from our Membership page.
If you link to our webpage, make sure it is the WordPress site, not Weebly.
We are planning to provide four newsletters to you in the coming years. Four will be on line quarterly through MailChimp, with one of those four will also be hand delivered. The content will be information about issues which you should have which will affect our neighborhood.
We will be changing over our membership and dues structure in the coming year.
The Neighborhood Association will define our membership in two ways: Active Contributing Members and Members.
Members will be defined as all adults, 18 years old or older, who reside within or own property or a business within the Association boundaries are members.
Active Contributing Members will be those who contribute or provide monies to the overhead needed to sustain the Neighborhood Association in its role as functioning body. The Board will solicit through our communications tools the need for cash in specific amounts to fund certain needs of the Association. Payment in support of our needs can be by check or using our on-line payment method which can be accessed on our website on the membership page. Active membership is valid the date they pay dues for one year. Participation in neighborhood sponsored work parties will be criteria for active contributing membership.
Active contributing membership in NWONA is voluntary.
Costs associated with annual upkeep of the Chapter could include, but are not limited to the following:
• Website maintenance costs ~$65.00/yr
• Yearly Insurance coverage for use of Garfield Middle school for neighborhood meetings $250.00
• Costs of materials for graffiti removal (abrasives, paint, brushes, rollers) ~$100.00
• Cost to provide refreshments at our annual meeting ~$150.00
• Materials for signs and newsletters 5 reams@ $6.00/ream ~$30.00
Proposed New Spring Neighborhood Event
The board would like to have an annual spring or summer event. We are open to ideas for the event and are seeking neighbors who would be willing to help organize such an event. We want to hear from you.
Northwest Volunteer Park Cleanup and Natural Art
The neighborhood held a work party to clean up Northwest Volunteer Park prior to the Art installation by Kathy Gore-Fuss in September. NWONA folk helping in the park were Cathy Visser, Bruce Coulter, Joe Chiveney, Kaye Lennartson, and Terra Perkins. Thanks to Steve Blakeslee for the use of his hose for watering our raised beds.
The decoration of a tree in the park was beautiful and stunning. The theme: “A Place to Reflect”.

Installation of Heron and Salmon statues on West Bay Drive
West Bay Art Crossing Project
Guardians: Fighter and Watcher, was dedicated in 2021. Developed with neighborhood participation, it consists of two sculptures, a 14 foot tall heron and a 7 foot tall salmon, that flank the road. Both are constructed of stainless steel and tempered glass, with internal lights. Project artists Lin McJunkin and Milo White have had their work included in the Percival Plinth Project for many years. The West Bay site is the first completed of the eight Art Crossing locations.
Find out more about the Gateways Public Art at the city website.

Creation of Linking Trails in West Bay Woods
Olyecosystems added the Hays Avenue Trail through West Bay Woods. It is another foot travel link between NWONA and West Bay Drive. It also links to the Dickinson Trail which runs the Northern Boundary of the Heronry which was set aside for the Herons in 2016.
Proposed New Spring Neighborhood Event
The board would like to have an annual spring or summer event. We are open to ideas for the event and are seeking neighbors who would be willing to help organize such an event. We want to hear from you.
Board Meetings
The NWONA Board meetings are on the 3rd Monday of February, March, April, May, September, October, and November. Please contact any of the Board Directors if you would like to attend or have an agenda item.

Kids of all ages had fun at the Summer Fun Fest!
Past Events
Transportation Forum Wednesday, October 24, 2011 6:30 pm
Garfield Elementary
Transportation Forum co-sponsored with South West Olympia Neighborhood Association (SWONA) and City of Olympia’s Transportation Division regarding pedestrian enhancements and Harrison/Division intersection.
Paint the Intersection of Garfield Ave & Thomas St
When? Saturday, September 29, 2011 (Rain date: October 6th), 10am-3pm
Why? Intersection murals slow traffic in your neighborhood by making drivers aware that this is a place where people walk, bike and play.
Who? Everyone in the neighborhood
What? A day of painting, food, celebrating, and fun activities
For more info contact [email protected] or 360-705-5817
Community Meeting About Upcoming Remodel to Garfield Elementary Wednesday, May 30, 2011 6:30 pm
Garfield Elementary gym
I just wanted to invite you and anyone in the neighborhood to a community meeting about upcoming remodel to Garfield Elementary. The purpose of the meeting is to get input from parents and community members on the design of the new Garfield facility. We hope that you and the rest of your neighbors can join us to share your thoughts and ideas about this project. Please do not hesitate to call or email me if you have any questions.
For more info contact:
Ryan Betz
Director of Communications & Community Relations
Olympia School District
Office: (360) 596-6104
Northwest Olympia Neighborhood Association’s Annual Membership Meeting Saturday, October 2, 2010 10-11:30am
Mariah Arts Center, 1403 Garfield Ave
There will be a little twist to our meeting this year. It will be held next Saturday at the Mariah Arts Center, south from Garfield Elementary School parking lot, 1403 Garfield Ave.
It will go from 10-11:30am and we will provide coffee and locally made pastries.
From 11:30-1:30 we move to the pocket park that we have been creating at Madison and Thomas streets. You will get a close up look and a chance to help us with the next phase. Please bring gloves, rakes, shovels, and a wheel barrow if you have one.
Please consider becoming involved in the Association this year. Our neighborhood is our closest community and through our efforts we can just keep making it better.
Join Native Plant Salvage and City of Olympia Urban Forestry Program for a FREE workshop: “FREE THE TREES! Ecological Restoration in the Urban Forest”
Saturday, March 20, 2010 10am
Smith Building – 837 7th AVE SE, Olympia, WA 98501
Learn how your neighborhood park fits into the big picture of ecological restoration in the urban forest, and how you can get involved!
Workshop topics will include:
- Site analysis
- Setting restoration goals
- Identifying and best practices for removing invasive plants
- Re-establishing native plant communities
- Long term stewardship planning, and
- Recruiting and coordinating volunteers
Every participant will receive a free copy of “Tall Trees: A Guide to Community Stewardship of the Urban Forest.” The second half of the workshop will be outdoors at an ongoing restoration project site, where participants will see an example of implementation in the field. After this workshop, you’ll be ready to lead a work party of your own!
For more information or to RSVP, please contact:
Guy Maguire
Restoration and Salvage Coordinator
Native Plant Salvage Project
Olympia’s Neighborhoods, Past and Present
A Special Lecture and Presentation by Roger Easton Sponsored by the Olympia Coalition of Neighborhood Associations
Monday, October 26. 2009
MIXX 96 first Floor Meeting Room, – corner of State and Washington, downtown Olympia.
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Ever wondered about the neighborhoods that are part of Olympia’s 150-year history and how they have evolved since the city’s founding?
Please join renowned local historian and teacher, Roger Easton for a fascinating look at Olympia’s history through the prism of its neighborhoods. Mr. Easton will give us a historical overview of the city’s first neighborhoods, how the city grew in its early days and what critical events and trends shaped the neighborhoods we see today in Olympia.
Mr. Easton is Vice Chair of the Thurston County Historical Commission, the President of the Bigelow House Preservation Assn. (Museum) and President of the Ruddell Pioneer Cemetery Association. He is also active with the Lacey Historical Commission, Olympia Heritage Commission and the Historic Records Board. His articles have appeared in The Olympian newspaper and he researched and has appeared on several historical videos for TCTV.
Refreshments will be provided after the lecture and presentation. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to the Coalition’s Steering Committee at [email protected].
Come meet your neighbors at the NW Olympia Neighborhood Association’s Annual Meeting
Come for pizza & salad!
Tuesday, October 13, 2008 6-8:30pm
Garfield School Cafeteria, 325 Plymouth St. NW
Let’s talk about:
- What has NWONA accomplished this year?
- What do we focus on in the future?
- What is our identity as a neighborhood?
- Election of board Members for 2010
More volunteers, more leaders, more visionaries, more enthusiasm… Please join us and support your neighborhood association with annual membership dues of $8-$15/sliding scale.
Groundbreaking Celebration Friday, July 24, 2008 12:00 noon, 700 West Bay Drive NW
The Olympia Parks, Arts and Recreation Department invites you to join us on July 24th at noon for a Groundbreaking Celebration for West Bay Park Phase I and Rotary Point. This celebration marks the beginning of Phase I construction.
Parking is very limited at the park site, so please carpool if possible.
NWONA will be hosting a Plant Exchange
Sunday, April 19, 2008 10:30am – 3:30pm, at The Westside Co-op
Bring all sorts of plants, except noxious ones. Share a plant, trade a plant, take a plant.
Also NWONA is looking for yard signs that are in good enough shape so that we can repaint or reuse them for work party/meeting signs. Please bring them to the Plant Exchange.
NWONA Board meeting Monday, March 9th, 6:30pm
We are meeting at Robin Ivy-Black’s house.
December 13, 2007
The Role of Neighborhood Associations in Creating a Livable Community
December 6, 2007
Presenters: Jeanne Marie Thomas, Peter Guttchen, and Julie Hankins, founding members of Olympia’s Coalition of Neighborhoods What are the benefits of working through your neighborhood association to create positive change in your community?
How do you form partnerships with other community groups and public agencies to achieve your goals?
How can you bring out the best from your neighborhood, as well as other neighborhoods in our community?
Presenters will lead a facilitated discussion of the benefits of working through neighborhood associations to solve problems and seize opportunities to achieve important community goals. They’ll share the lessons they’ve learned about what works and doesn’t work, and provides some specific examples from the work they’ve done to advocate for changes to Olympia’s land use codes and to create a more walkable and activity-friendly community.
To sign-up for a class please email [email protected] or call 753-8031
Neighborhood Association Websites
November 19, 2007
Presenter: Elaine Nelson, President of the Eastside Neighborhood Association and founder of Epersonae Enterprises Learn how to set up and maintain a website, including the costs, design ideas, the pitfalls and the benefits.
To sign-up for a class please email [email protected] or call 753-8031
Water Resources for Your Neighborhood
November 15, 2007
Presenters: Andy Haub, Engineering and Planning Supervisor, and Tikva Glantz, Program and Planning Supervisor This is an opportunity to learn about resources available to neighborhoods, including help with storm water management, conservation, water quality and even how to get a rain barrel!
To sign-up for a class please email [email protected] or call 753-8031
Neighbor Woods, the Next 10 Years
November 8, 2007
Presenters: Neighbor Woods, the City’s volunteer tree planting program has been planting street trees in Olympia for ten years! To celebrate the more than 5000 new street trees planted, the City’s Urban Forestry Program is getting ready to launch into their 2nd decade with a new and improved Neighbor Woods program, guaranteed to make your neighborhood a healthier and greener place to live.
Come to this meeting to find out how you (and your neighborhood) can get in on this exciting new City program. We can change our world block-by-block and tree-by-tree!
To sign-up for a class please email [email protected] or call 753-8031
The ABCs of Land Use Planning (NOTE: Olympia Center Room 102)
November 1, 2007
Presenters: Todd Stamm, Planning Manager and Jan Weydemeyer, Senior Planner This presentation will focus on how land use decisions are made in the city, and how you can get involved. We’ll also see these concepts in action as we play the Land Use Game.
To sign-up for a class please email [email protected] or call 753-8031
Neighborhood Safety
October 16, 2007 Presenter: Amy Stull, Senior Program Specialist with Olympia Police Department Amy Stull will introduce basic crime prevention techniques to make your homes and neighborhoods safer. She will also discuss programs the City offers to help neighborhoods become a “hard target” for criminals. Learn about Block Watch, Speed Watch Trailers and Neighborhood Crime Statistics.
To sign-up for a class please email [email protected] or call 753-8031
Preserving Historic Homes
October 9, 2007
Presenter: Mark Liebman, Krazan and Associates Learn how to preserve the distinctive elements of historic homes and buildings through all the seasons with tips from a historic building preservation specialist.
To sign-up for a class please email [email protected] or call 753-8031
Potluck Picnic and Alternate Commute Contest Awards Ceremony
Saturday, September 16, 2006 – 3:00 pm – Awards at 4:00 pm
Woodruff Park (Harrison & Thomas)
Tree Planting
Tuesday, June 6, 2006 10:00 am
Mud Bay Granary Parking Lot (2410 Harrison Ave. NW)
Over 100 brand new, beautiful street trees line Harrison Avenue, and that’s reason to celebrate! Join us as the final street tree is planted to officially wrap-up this exciting project:
Gather to celebrate this long-awaited and much anticipated addition to the Harrison Avenue business district and community, and join Urban Forestry as we recognize all project partners for their valuable contributions.
Experience first-hand the amazing difference street trees can make for pedestrians, bicyclists, shoppers, and visitors! For more information about this project, please visit our website at: http://www.olympiawa.gov/cityservices/urbanforest
This special event will be held rain or shine, and special doggy treats will be available courtesy of Mud Bay Granary for any canine attendees!
For more information or questions, please contact Stacey Ray at 570-5845.
Stacey J. Ray
Urban Forestry Program Specialist
Community Planning & Development
City of Olympia, WA
(360) 570-5845
mailto:[email protected]
NWONA Earth Day Plant Swap
April 22, 2006
Olympia Food Co-op’s Parking Lot @ 921 Rogers Street
Northwest Olympia Neighborhood Association is sponsoring an opportunity for neighbors to meet, share gardening ideas, and exchange plants.
Refreshments Available
Please Invite Your Friends & Neighbors to Join Us
Mid-Winter Dance Party and Beat the Blahs!
January 28, 2006 8-11 pm
Mariah Collaborative Arts Center (Plymouth & Garfield, across from school parking lot)
Join with your neighbors at a Mid-Winter Dance Party and Beat the Blahs! Dance, mix & mingle to live music provided by “Planetary People.” Please invite your neighbors to join in with us.
Dedication of the Garfield Nature Trail Overlook
Garfield Nature Trail Overlook
Wednesday, June 15, 2005 7:00 pm
The Garfield Nature Trail Overlook, at the corner of Percival and Madison streets on Olympia’s Westside, was constructed by volunteers using funds from Olympia’s neighborhood grant program. This area used to be a thicket of blackberry and other invasive plants. Thanks to the hard work of volunteers led by Lyle Tribwell, this area now provides an attractive seating area with a great view of the Garfield Nature Trail ravine below. Work party pictures are available for viewing at NWONA’s website.
This project is a great example of city government helping people help themselves and helping improve the beauty and quality of life in our community. City staff members were extremely supportive in working collaboratively with our dedicated group of enthusiastic volunteers from NWONA and the city parks volunteer groups. NWONA is very appreciative of their efforts and city funding.
THE LAND USE GAME – A Smart Growth Dialogue
Monday, May 9, 2005, 6:30 pm
Garfield Elementary School, Faculty Room (corner of Plymouth & Garfield Streets)
Northwest Olympia Neighborhood Association (NWONA) is hosting the following event for NWONA members and all residents of our neighborhood community. Olympia residents from other neighborhoods are also welcome to join us.
The Land Use Game was developed to describe Olympia’s Comprehensive Plan and engage citizens in dialogue about the challenges and opportunities of growth in our community. Included is information about how citizens participate in establishing and accomplishing the vision for our city.
Come Join Us in this Opportunity to Meet with City Planner Kathy McCormick and Olympia Planning Commission volunteers.
Light Refreshments Provided.
Building Better Neighborhoods Town Hall Meeting
Tuesday, May 3, 2005
The Olympia Center, 222 Columbia St.